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Signs Your CRM System Needs an Upgrade

An efficient CRM system—like vTiger—should allow you to have in-depth knowledge about all your customers. It should be fast, easily accessible and should speed up your sales process, all the while improving rapport with customers. But CRM software in need of an upgrade can counterproductively negatively affect your chances at making a sale.

Keeping your CRM system upgraded and in line with technological advancements can help you reap even more benefits than a standard software can provide. Here are a few signs to be on the lookout for that will determine whether your system is in dire need of an upgrade:

It provides you with limited functions

With every update, vTiger adds various functions to its algorithm, gets rid of bugs or makes amendments to the existing system. Keeping your vTiger updated will help you make use of all the newer functions introduced to the system and keep your business running smoothly.

It is not effectively using information garnered from social media

The main purpose a CRM software serves is gathering information about your client from the internet to provide you with a personalized way of making a sales pitch, in accordance with your client’s needs.

If your outdated CRM is incapable of efficiently scouring through the internet and gathering the information you need to make your sale, it may be time for an upgrade. Newer versions have the ability of accessing more sources of information than older versions.

It is not on the cloud

CRM UpgardeMost people these days are choosing to conduct their business on the go. This means that they require the information they need to be readily available to them and accessible through a hand-held device. The information on your CRM system needs to be on the cloud to make it easier for your employees to work from anywhere, at any time, increasing productivity.

It lacks integration

CRM software is far more effective when it is connected to other software such as financial management, operational data or staff scheduling software. Integrating these could help save a massive amount of time as employees have all the information they require from the different segments of your company in one place. They can also more effectively deal with clients when they know what other departments of the business are working on.

Upgrade your vTiger CRM System Today

If any of the above signs fit your CRM system, you might be in need of an upgrade. SmartVT, a vTiger counseling company specializes in providing clients with vTiger support and custom development services.

Whether it is an upgrade or an integration you need, our experts will make quick work of the job and ensure your vTiger CRM is up-to-date and running as efficiently as possible.

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